Deleting the Epoch folder, and reinstalling it. I've run out of ideas on how to fix this. It displays the "Arma 2: OA has stopped working", tries to look for a solution, fails, and forces me to close the game. The strange part is that I can play DayZ without a problem, besides the same bit happening when I close the game. Sometimes it lets me into the game, I get a few seconds of gameplay, after which it crashes. My computer freezes and then crashes to my desktop, displaying a "Arma 2: OA has stopped working" (or something similar, its in Dutch), tries to look for a solution, fails, and forces me to close the game. This happens after I've managed to enter the lobby. Whenever I try to load the game, it crashes when the loading screen hits around 80-90%. I seem to be encountering a strange problem when I try running DayZ Epoch.